[OptimaTM MAX-XP, Beckman Coulter, USA]

Located at: CRF Annexe - S03
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Features: Ultracentrifuge is a power-packed solution that delivers fast, efficient separations from samples.

Resolution: Max. Speed: 50000 rpm, Bio Safe Max. Capacity Volume Range: 0 - 194.4 mL, Set temperature range: 0 to 40°C in 1°C increments, Solid state (thermoelectric temperature control system with forced air; no coolant; no CFCs/ODCs)

Facilities: MLA-50, MLS-50.

Applications of Ultracentrifuge

Fractionation, affinity purification, separation of components

Testing charges (Per sample)

Note: [Particle size must be < 100nm]

NITK# Academia / R&D (Externals)#* Industry#*
Rs. 300/- Rs. 450/- Rs. 1200/-

#Consumable/Sample Preparation charges is not included

*GST(18%) extra.

For further Query Contact:

Prof. Mohammad Rizwanur Rahman (Ultracentrifuge Faculty in-charge), Email: rizwan_crf@nitk.edu.in