Automatic Electrolytic Polishing Machine
[Electropol, Metatech Industries, INDIA]

Located at: CRF Annexe - G03
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Polishing load: 0-110V, 0-10A

Etching load: 0-15V, 0-2A

• Electrolyte flow controller

Chiller facility upto: -300°C

• Polishing mask of 9.5mm and 12.5mm


Electropolishing and etching for material characterizaton

Machine Charges (per sample)

NITK users (Please bring own suitable electrolyte)
Other academic institutions and Research and Development organizations*
Industry personnel*

*Sample preparation charges (depending on electrolyte), GST(18%) extra.

Electrolyte (Based on additional charges)

For further Query Contact:

Mrs. Suraksha Shetty, Email:

Prof. M R Rahman (ECM, Faculty in-charge) Email: