Automatic Electrolytic Polishing Machine
[Electropol, Metatech Industries, INDIA]
Located at: CRF Annexe - G03
• Polishing load: 0-110V, 0-10A
• Etching load: 0-15V, 0-2A
• Electrolyte flow controller
• Chiller facility upto: -300°C
• Polishing mask of 9.5mm and 12.5mm
• Electropolishing and etching for material characterizaton
Machine Charges (per sample)
NITK users (Please bring own suitable electrolyte) |
Other academic institutions and Research and Development organizations* |
Industry personnel* |
*Sample preparation charges (depending on electrolyte), GST(18%) extra.
Electrolyte (Based on additional charges)
For further Query Contact:
Mrs. Suraksha Shetty, Email:
Prof. M R Rahman (ECM, Faculty in-charge) Email: